203 881 9419
 203 881 9419 

Hydroseeding Services

At Connecticut Hydro Seeding our efficient and precise approach to hydroseeding ensures our new lawns develop quickly and and with great thick grass coverage

Lawn Installation,Golf Courses,Roadsides

We provide lawn installations by hydroseeding. Hydroseeding is the fastest growing technology. Hydroseeding provides growth anywhere from 7-14 days if proper level of moisture is provided. To get more info on hydroseeding click here. Once your site is graded with adequate topsoil, we come in with our equipment and begin work. Our Harley rake leaves a beautiful ready-to-be-seeded bed. We use the finest seed in our lawn installs for that top-notch result. We use a mechanical hay/straw blower to chop up the bales so that it will uniformly distribute the hay/straw. The state of the art equipment we use means your lawn will end up looking its best. Early fall or spring provide the optimum conditions needed for successful grass seed germination. Seed may be sown in summer if irrigation is available.




Hydroseeding Hydromulching

Hydroseeding may also be considered for establishing lawns. In hydroseeding, grass seed is mixed with water, fertilizer, and fiber mulch. Then the slurry is sprayed directly onto the prepared seedbed. The mixture holds the seeds in place and helps retain moisture until roots are firmly established.
We also offer custom blend mixtures of wild flowers, grasses, crown vetch, and others.
Hydroseeding is a grass planting process. The process is fast, efficient, and economical. This grass planting process is more effective than conventional seeding and certainly more economical than conventional sodding. Hydroseeding allows you to have a lush, emerald green lawn in only a small number of days. You receive a top-quality seed mix. Hydroseeding also allows for the most effective application of grass seed, mulch, and fertilizer in large or small areas and it effectively prevents erosion on steep banks. It is safe and non-toxic. For more information, pictures, and notes on how to take care of your hydro-seeded lawn click here.

Watering is a very important part of the grass growing process. With little water, grass won't grow. We understand that people are busy and have little time to water each spot for 15-20 minutes everyday. However, it would be a shame to have a beautifully installed lawn and not get the results you anticipated because of a lack of watering. With Planet Landscaping's watering service you have no need to worry. We come to you and make sure that your lawn gets the necessary amount of water it needs. Our watering service provides just the right amount of water needed to help you get that green grass you desire. Our trained staff gets the work done quickly and efficiently.


Erosion Control  and Landfill cover

Erosion Control
Our company offers several different kinds of erosion control. Some methods are: hydro-mulching, straw cover, and erosion mats. They are combined with "Dirt Bond" polymers that bind the soil's molecular particles together to form a waterproof, silt retention barrier on slopes in critical erosion areas.


Need more information?

We'd be happy to discuss our product offerings in greater detail with you. Please contact us at 203 881 9419 or use our contact form.

Contact Information


Connecticut Hydro Seeding

218 Christian St

Oxford, CT 06478


Phone: 203-308-3865


Email: cthydroseeding@gmail.com


Please use our contact form.

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I.A.H.P International Association of HYDROSEEDING PROFESSIONALS.

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